Coding wavelets the easy way

This will introduce you to the basics of Matlab to get you started in the tutorial. To use these commands, type them into the command window.

Unix like tools

Matlab supports Unix like commands.
pwd will show the path to your current working folder. If you have downloaded the (yet to come) archive of the site, pwd should point to it. If it does not, use the cd command to move the working directory to the right location.
Online help is available; if you want some help on a Matlab language element "name", type
help name
in the command window to see some help.
ls will list the content of the current directory.

Workspace basics

Type "whos" to see a list of variables that resides in Matlab's workspace. To clear all of them and start an new fresh session, enter the command "clear all".


We have looked at the following commands: pwd, cd, ls, help, whos, clear.