MINES ParisTech CAS - Centre automatique et systèmes

Adding an Integrator to Backstepping: Output Disturbances Rejection for Linear Hyperbolic Systems

Authors: Pierre-Olivier Lamare , Florent Di Meglio, 2016 American Control Conference (ACC 2016), pp. 3422 - 3428, July 6-8, 2016, Boston
We consider the output disturbance rejection problem for linear first-order hyperbolic systems with anti- collocated boundary input and output. We employ backstepping to construct the controller. We incorporate an integral action into the target system, yielding a Delay Differential Equation (DDE) and use a classical result to obtain a sufficient condition for its stability in L∞-norm. Then, we show that the full-state feedback control with the integral action rejects in-domain and boundary disturbances from the output. Besides, we show that when incorporating integral-action into the observer system, the resulting output feedback control rejects the disturbances too.
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author = {Pierre-Olivier Lamare, Florent Di Meglio},
editor = {},
title = {Adding an Integrator to Backstepping: Output Disturbances Rejection for Linear Hyperbolic Systems},
booktitle = {2016 American Control Conference (ACC 2016)},
volume = {},
publisher = {},
address = {Boston},
pages = {3422 - 3428},
year = {2016},
abstract = {We consider the output disturbance rejection problem for linear first-order hyperbolic systems with anti- collocated boundary input and output. We employ backstepping to construct the controller. We incorporate an integral action into the target system, yielding a Delay Differential Equation (DDE) and use a classical result to obtain a sufficient condition for its stability in L∞-norm. Then, we show that the full-state feedback control with the integral action rejects in-domain and boundary disturbances from the output. Besides, we show that when incorporating integral-action into the observer system, the resulting output feedback control rejects the disturbances too.},
keywords = {}}